Governor Meeting 22nd May 2023

On Monday 22nd May, the governing body met.  The meeting started with the introduction of our new governors, Adam Collins and Anna Thomas.  We look forward to them taking an active role in the school community and know that they will both bring valuable knowledge and experience to the committee.

 After approving the minutes of the previous meeting and reviewing our action tracker, attention turned to Mr Cowling's report.  Whilst discussing key news, Mr Cowling gave an update regarding current pupil numbers and projected numbers for September 2023.  Our recent Ofsted inspection report, which judged Fosse Way Academy as a 'Good school', was also discussed.   

 Quality of Education was the next area to be discussed.  Mr Coupland gave an update regarding curriculum development priorities in school.  This included an overview of the school’s curriculum development over the last few years along with the current priorities which are:

 - Sticky knowledge and skills review,

-  Subject leadership training,

-  Retrieval practice strategies,

-  Adaptive teaching strategies.

Catherine Caldwell also gave an update regarding her recent curriculum monitoring visits.  This included working with the history, science and computing leads as well as Mrs Deakin who is overseeing the current review of sticky knowledge.

Mr Cowling also shared images of the fantastic artwork completed by children whilst working with visiting artists.  Year 3 and 4 created beautiful art using felt.


 Year 5 and 6 created fantastic Viking ships using acrylics:

The children also thoroughly enjoyed visitor experiences linked to their Viking and Volcano topics.  

Discussions then turned to finance and Mr O'Halloran gave an update regarding the current financial situation.  This included an overview of a significant investment in ICT resources and a new music room - both will have a positive impact on the standards of education across school.

Whilst discussing behaviour and welfare, Mr Cowling shared an update regarding attendance in school.  It was pleasing to see that the school's attendance levels remain above the national rate and to hear about the systems in place to support families and address persistent absence.

Personal development opportunities were also shared.  Pupils were able to share their learning with family members in open afternoon sessions this last term.  Again, these were very well attended and the feedback from children and their families was very positive. During the summer term, pupils in Y1/2 and Y5/6 will be putting on stage shows for viewing by their families and the whole school is looking forward to participating in the annual celebration evening. In sport, a large group of Year 5 and 6 girls and boys have participated in football fixtures against other schools.  There are a few league fixtures left to play and the players are hoping to win their league and qualify for the area finals.  This links with our school vision for all pupils to ‘perform and receive applause’.  

Mr Cowling also shared an update regarding safeguarding and health and safety.  This included details regarding recent 'fire evacuation' and 'invacuation' practices.

Our final meeting of the school year will be on Monday 10th July 2023.


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