Full Governing Body Meeting - 22nd November 2021

Prior to beginning our full governing body (FGB) meeting, we received a summary of our previous annual budget reports from our auditors, Azets. 

The first item on our FGB meeting agenda was a report from the Year 3 and 4 team leader, Michelle Deakin.  The report included a thorough overview regarding the standard of education across the team.  It was fantastic to hear about the positive impact of recent guided reading and spelling staff training as well as a new online resource, 'Learning by Questions' (LbQ).  The investment in one to one iPads for our Key Stage 2 children has allowed LbQ to be used successfully across English, Maths and Science.  The report also outlined how teacher assistant deployment was being adapted in light of recent reviews linked to whole school and team specific priorities.  

Catherine Caldwell asked for an update on the performance of Year 3 girls and boys in reading in comparison to their end of Year 2 teacher assessments.  Helen Pennington also asked how initiatives to improve transitions throughout the school day were working.  The feedback was positive and included an explanation regarding elements such as walk in tasks.  

After Mrs Deakin's report, we continued to discuss the standard of education across the wider school.  Catherine Caldwell gave a positive update regarding her recent consultancy work with teachers across Years 1 to 6.  Rob Cowling reiterated the positive impact of the meetings in both moderating teacher assessments and in identifying clear next steps in learning.  We also discussed the headlines from Catherine's meeting with Andy Coupland regarding changes in provision to address whole school priorities.  

Mr Cowling's headteacher report included the regular updates regarding standards of education, behaviour, welfare, safeguarding, personal development, leadership, finance and the school development plan.  Pleasingly, many of the additional opportunities limited by the pandemic are gradually returning to school, for example:

- New Mini Police representatives have been elected, have met with the local police and have led their first assembly.

- The school football team played and won their first league game of the season.

- EYFS and Year 3 and 4 are preparing enthusiastically for their Christmas performances.

- Our extra curricular street dance club has restarted.

We were also informed of plans to host an ‘artist in residence’, Charlotte Tupper, in the spring and summer terms 2022. She will work regularly with children and staff on the theme of climate emergency / sustainability / the environment.

Additionally, in December, Author, Nick Sharratt will be completing a virtual author visit to further develop enthusiastic readers in Key Stage 1.
The final part of our meeting was spent reviewing and updating our new governance plan and action plan which outlines our roles and actions for the year ahead.


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