Full Governor Meeting Monday 11 November 2019

Following a budget review meeting with our accountants, the full governing body met for another busy but productive evening.

As always, minutes from the previous meeting were agreed and the action tracker was reviewed.  

Following this, we discussed Mr Cowling's headteacher report which gave an overview of key news, quality of education, behaviour and pupil welfare, personal development, leadership and management, the school development plan, the school's self-evaluation, safeguarding, finance, health and safety and policies. 

It was pleasing to hear about some of the exciting opportunities and responsibilities available to our children.  This included sporting competitions with other schools for children in Y1 to 6; new School Councillors being appointed and an opportunity for Year 5 pupils to apply to complete the Young Leader Award, too.  

Next, Catherine Caldwell gave an overview of the English consultancy work she has been carrying out with teachers across the school and a summary of strengths and development areas.  Further consultancy work has been planned to continue our drive to ensure our children receive the best possible education.  Other governors also shared outcomes from their monitoring visits which included reviewing RE provision.

We also discussed our governing body action plan for the academic year ahead and considered our focus areas.

During the final part of the meeting, outcomes of recent parent and staff well-being questionnaires were shared.  These outcomes will be reviewed and appropriate actions will be planned.


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