Cake! Cake! Cake!

We started our last Full Governing Body meeting of the year with a Governor-Staff 'Meet and Greet' social event, with plenty of cake and conversation on offer, and a chance for Governors and Staff to get to know each other alongside professional and informal school discussion. The homemade flapjack went down a treat!


The flapjack was fantastic
Mrs Deakin joined the first part of our meeting tonight to give the Governors a presentation
which included behaviour updates, Checkpoint 3 data, progress this year, curriculum highlights/issues and staff professional development projects. Our thanks to Mrs Deakin for her time and the comprehensive report.

We heard the reports from the latest Finance & Premises and Standards sub committees respectively, and Mr Coupland updated us with a summary of recent Checkpoint 3 data for the school.
Mr Cowling gave us a demonstration of the safeguarding software that school uses and how it is used for recording incidents in school, including the different views and access levels that teachers and Safeguarding Leads have. 

Mr O'Halloran updated us on progress on the new holiday wraparound care that is in the process of being set up, and we look forward to being able to offer holiday provision for our pupils and families next year.

And finally, we thank all the staff for all their hard work this year, and wish staff, pupils and families a fantastic Summer. 


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