Our First Meeting of 2021...

On Monday 18th January, the governors met for our latest meeting.  Due to the current national restrictions, the meeting was held remotely.

We began by discussing the quality of education in school.  Mr Batley (Year 5 and 6 team leader) joined us to discuss his report regarding teaching and learning in Years 5 and 6.  The report outlined the strengths and priorities within the team as well as some of the challenges of lockdown.  It was pleasing to hear that the majority of children and families are engaging positively with the remote learning on offer.  Both staff and governors acknowledged the importance of the regular class video calls (both teaching/feedback/celebration sessions and social 'catch up' sessions).

Mrs Lee (SENDCo) then joined the meeting and gave an update regarding Special Educational Needs.  Her report highlighted the importance of quality first teaching for all children and gave an explanation of the different waves of intervention used to support children.  Governors were informed of some of the recent staff training which included 'Safe Base', autism training and attachment training.  Mrs Lee also discussed the challenges of lockdown as well as how, where possible, external agencies are offering remote support.  Where remote support  isn't an option, some agencies are still offering support in school.

Catherine Caldwell shared key points from her monitoring visits which covered analysing performance information, current priorities and the current remote learning provision.

Staff Covid-19 testing  was also discussed.  Mr Cowling explained that lateral flow tests will be delivered by the 25th January and staff will be able to carry out a lateral flow test twice weekly.  It is felt that this is a positive development which will help alleviate the understandable concern within the school community.

Mr Cowling's report was next on the agenda.  Governors discussed and questioned key news which included remote learning, free school meal vouchers and the cancellation of statutory assessments.  

Discussion then switched to  the school development plan, leadership and management, health and safety, behaviour and welfare.

Next, Matt O'Halloran (school business manager) gave a financial update and governors had the opportunity to question and discuss the current financial picture.  He also gave an update regarding the school's improvement bid for funding towards the cost of updating the heating system.  The bid has been formally submitted and the school awaits the outcome.

The next meeting of the full governing body will take place on 15th March.


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