Governor Update May 2021

On Monday, we held our first social distanced, face to face meeting for over a year.

We started by welcoming EYFS team leader, Mrs Bingham, to discuss her curriculum and standards update.  The discussion included the key changes which the team will be taking account of in September once the new curriculum is introduced. Next, we discussed the impact of the RWI phonics approach in EYFS including the challenges of the most recent lockdowns.  It was pleasing to hear that the teachers and teaching assistants feel well supported by the school phonics lead.  Overall, despite the challenges faced during the pandemic, the benefits of the approach are clear and the progress being made is stronger than when using the previous scheme.  End of year predictions were discussed and current focus areas were highlighted.

Next, we reflected on the curriculum intent report which Mr Coupland had shared prior to the meeting.  It is clear that staff have spent significant time to ensure that the school curriculum is broad, progressive and is linked to our values and our context.  Outdoor learning, the use of technology, local culture and heritage are all important elements of Fosse Way's curriculum as is learning about and celebrating diversity.   The curriculum is ambitious and is designed to allow all children to succeed.

After reviewing and agreeing on the minutes of our previous meeting, a financial update was given. This included the current financial picture, planned purchases and investments and an overview of the initial budget plan for the next academic year.

The discussion then turned to Mr Cowling's report.  This included key news, an update on phonics provision, the new Early Career Framework and what it will mean to our school, Early Year's reforms, the KS1 project about gender balance in computing, behaviour and welfare, health and safety, the school development plan, leadership and staffing, safeguarding and personal development.

Unfortunately, this year's residential PGL trip was cancelled due to the COVID restrictions, however, the school negotiated a free day trip to PGL Caythorpe on Wednesday 12th May for all Year 6 pupils. Pleasingly, everyone had a marvellous day taking part in Zip Wire, Archery, Raft Building and Problem Solving activities.

Mr Cowling also explained that, due to the continuation of COVID restrictions in schools, parents’ consultations will be hosted on Zoom once again on Thursday 20th and Thursday 27th May.

Before the meeting closed, Mr Cowling clarified which policies have been updated and are ready for governors to review.


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