On 21st March, we held our latest meeting.  

Mr Batley, Y5 and 6 team leader, joined us to discuss and answer questions regarding his recent report.  Discussions included academic standards across the year groups; current priorities and how these are being addressed; intervention and the pastoral support being provided.  

It was pleasing to hear about the exciting plans for the upcoming residential trip to PGL; the positive impact of the Class Dojo reward system which is currently being implemented and some of the wider curriculum opportunities such as a visit to the National Holocaust Centre and the ongoing work with resident artist, Charlotte Tupper.


Next, we received an update from Catherine Caldwell regarding her recent meetings with Mr Coupland around curriculum structure and the recent checkpoint 2 assessments.  Catherine highlighted some of the improvements since the start of the year as well as current priorities.

Discussions then turned to the outcomes of our School Improvement Partner's recent visit.  The day focused on the school's phonics provision and current assessment procedures.

Mr O'Halloran summarised the current financial picture in school as well as the new budget for the year ahead.

Discussions then turned to behaviour and welfare.  Mr Cowling gave an update on behaviour across school and the welfare provision.  This included the development of our NEST room and an overview of staff training to further enhance the pastoral support available to children (Emotional Literacy training, Lego Therapy and Team Teach). 

Mr Cowling then shared some of the personal development opportunities being provided.  Y5 pupils have recently taken part in the Bikeability programme at Level 1 and Level 2. The school continues to fund this programme and offer it free of charge to pupils as it is a valuable life skill which promotes health, sustainable transport, wellbeing and independence.


End of term discos are planned in support of the DEC’s response to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and children have recently had the opportunity to come to school dressed as a hero whilst supporting Comic Relief.

Mr Cowling also gave his regular update regarding safeguarding and health and safety.

The final element of our meeting was ratification of policies.


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